Privacy Notice 29 July 2018
Love and Friends : Internet dating for thinking people . . . And it's free


By registering, using or subscribing to the Services of Love and Friends Limited (herein referred to as L&F), you confirm that you have read and consent to the contents of this Privacy Notice:

L &F sets out in this Privacy Notice how it protects its Members data. L&F will collect, use store and share the personal information that you give us, in accordance with this Privacy Notice and in line with current data protection regulations (GDPR).

L & F age restriction

Membership is strictly limited to those people who are aged 18 and over. We do not allow or intentionally collect or store personal data from any person under the age of 18.

Third-Party network and links to other websites

L&F may include content from or links to other third-party websites over which we have no control. Visiting these other websites may allow third parties to collect or share data about you and you should check their privacy statements before using linked sites.

We know what data we have, and why we have it

L&F collects, stores, processes and shares personal data given to us by its Members.  We use this data pursuant to our contract with you or for taking steps to enter into a contract with you. This may include some or all the following:

  • Name, address, phone, email, mobile
  • Member personal information: gender, age, height, hobbies, etc
  • Member photo
  • Member ID
  • Member matching preferences
  • Member contract
  • Financial Information
  • Domain name
  • Browser
  • URL
  • Pages visited
  • IP Address
  • Other relevant data


Data stored by L&F is divided into 2 categories - Private and Public.

Private Data which is Email address, password and phone number.

Public Data which is age, description, hobbies, photos, etc.

Members have the option to switch their profile to “Private” if they do not want to be seen/linked by non-Members and potentially searchable, for example by Google.

Members contact details will be shared with DDM Group Companies (including Drawing Down the Moon Matchmaking – DDM) and you may be contacted by them.

We understand and comply with individual’s rights

L&F Members have the following rights:

  • Members have the right of access to their data
  • Members have the right to have inaccurate personal data rectified
  • Members have the right to have their data erased
  • Members have the right to request the restriction or suppression of their personal data
  • Members have the right of data portability in relation to images or digital content which they have supplied to L&F
  • Members have the right to object to the use of their data where we are using it on the basis of our legitimate interests and your interests outweigh our own legitimate interests
  • Members have the right to be notified if a data breach occurs in certain circumstances where it may cause them harm or possibility of serious harm


We manage Member data in a structured way

Member data is directly input by the Member into the L&F database.    

Member data will be used:

  • To operate an active Member directory through which other Members can contact you
  • To keep records of Members
  • To comply with the law and/or our Matchmaking Regulator’s requirements
  • To verify Member identity by searching publicly available records
  • To keep track of financial transactions
  • With your permission or lawfully to contact you by phone email etc on our events, products and services and those of our Group Companies
  • For our legitimate business purposes for internal business analysis and research


We know who is responsible for the data we have

L&F has a Data Protection Officer, who is responsible for overall management of the L&F database and liaison with linked websites. Only key people in L&F have authority and access to this data.

Our IT and data storage are managed inside the EEA. 3rd party companies we deal with are not allowed to sell, share or use our Members’ data for their own purposes.


We have a data security awareness and culture

  • Our staff receive regular data protection training and they are all briefed on L&Fs Privacy Notice and practices.
  • We will never sell, share or permit use of Members’ data out-with L&F’s or the Drawing Down the Moon group companies own processes except when required by law, legal proceedings, or to protect you or a third party’s safety.


We have data security processes and procedures

L&F has put in place reasonable security measures to help prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.

  • The main Member database is backed up daily
  • Back up of Member records is in secure locations on the internet
  • Admin access is password and IP address protected
  • Only key L&F personnel, contractors and third parties with a “need to know” have access to Member personal data
  • Member records will be archived or deleted seven years after the last Member activity, determined by logging in or clicking on a link in a L&F email.
  • L&F offices are kept locked when unoccupied and hard copy documents are stored in locked cabinets
  • L&F has in place technical measures to protect its users personal information and privacy

Due to the nature of the internet, L&F cannot guarantee absolute security of any information you disclose online in the internet environment and you do so at your own risk


We have a process for how and when we contact Members

  • L&F or its group company may be in contact by phone, text, email, and in writing


We have a process for how we delete Member records

  • If requested by a Member, the Member record will be deleted from the L&F database in its entirety
  • Members may request that their data be permanently erased from our databases by emailing
  • Deletion of data will usually take place within 28 days of receipt of deletion request and be confirmed on email

L&F may request additional security information from you to ensure that deletion is not requested fraudulently by a third party.

In exceptional circumstances where there has been suspected fraudulent activity or security threats L&F will retain that record indefinitely to protect the security of L&F, its Members and your personal data. We will share information with third party service providers to continue to improve the security of our services and your personal data.

In some circumstances we may anonymise your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research, statistical or other purposes in which case we may use this information indefinitely without further notice to you.

We have a process for Member requests for their personal data

L&F is committed to giving Members access to their personal information. Members can make a “Subject access request” under GDPR for their personal information. L&F will request security information from you to ensure that disclosure is made to you and not requested fraudulently by a third party.


Requests for personal information must be made by email to:


The data will normally be provided electronically within 28 days via email attachment and you will not need to pay a fee for this.


We understand our lawful basis for processing your data

Under GDPR, L&F uses either Contract, Legitimate Interest or Consent as the basis for lawful processing of Member data.

Members will have the information and data freely provided by them processed as necessary to allow fulfilment of their Membership with L&F.

Potential Members who have been in contact with L&F but not yet entered into a contract with L&F will have the information and data freely provided by them processed as necessary.

L&F or its 3rd party websites or group company may contact that Member/potential Member regarding: updating their details, availability of or for a match, changes to product and service, promotional material.

  • You may opt out from marketing and promotional notices
  • You cannot opt out of service emails as these are essential to relay messages from Members and to receive crucial service messages.
  • L&F will not disclose personal information nor edit, or disclose the contents of a user's private communications or personal information except as expressly set out herein or if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

(1) conform or comply with applicable law;

(2) protect and defend the rights or property of L&F; or

(3) to protect the personal safety of Members or the public.


Visitors to our website

When the L&F website is visited, the third-party service Google Analytics collects standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to find out things such as visitor numbers to various parts of the site. This information is processed in such a way that individulas are not identified. We do not allow Google to find out the identities of those visiting our .


L&F uses cookies (e.g. to store your unique personal identification details given to you on registration).

Cookies help L&F determine which features and services are important to you.

Changes to the Privacy Notice

L&Fs Privacy Notice may be updated from time to time and the date of revision will be shown at the end of the document. L&F will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Notice without your explicit consent.


This Policy does not create rights enforceable by third parties or require disclosure of any personal data relating to users of the Service.

How to contact us

To contact us regarding your personal information or request information about our privacy policy, you can email or write to:


Andy McCabe 

Data Protection Officer

47 Dorset Street  



W1U 7ND   

